
What Happens When I Sleep is a blog about the crazy dreams that occur in my head. I am not on drugs; these dreams are all real and I will only update when I remember an interesting dream or if I have an interesting post.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pepper spray

In the dream, I have a twin sister whom I switch lives with and end up falling in love with her boyfriend (similar to the plot of the show, The Lying Game). I walk with a friend to my old Elementary school playground at night and notice random little kids running around sporadically and they are all dressed in different colors of soccer uniforms. I reach the corner of the school and notice a little boy standing there with big curly blonde hair. At first I laugh, and then I go on to tell him that I like his hair. He quietly says thank you and then runs away. I turn left at the corner of the school and continue towards the basketball court. On the way, I spot a tiny baseball bat. I sit down on the cold concrete, pick up the bat, and swing it as hard as I can. I then place it back on the ground, stand up, and continue onward. As I approach the court, I notice a very sketchy man covered in tattoos shooting hoops in the crisp dark night. I carefully reach onto my lanyard and pull off the pink pepper spray that I have attached to it. I firmly grip the pepper spray in my left hand as I switch places with my friend and walk on the left so he can't see the pepper spray that I'm hiding. As we pass him, we make eye contact for about five seconds and keep walking. The man then slowly walks towards us and in the process of him walking, he turns into a giant man that's balding. He approaches us and gets in our faces so I pull out the pepper spray and continue to spray his eyes. Unfortunately for us, the spray does not seem to be working. I then spray it harder to where the spray is not a mist, but a straight line. I aim directly for his eyes and I hit the spot. His eyes begin to fill with the spray and as he is distracted, I push him away from us and we run away.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Once Upon a Time...(long)

I have the desire to go to a Half Price Books to get a book that I need for school. I hop in the car, and begin my drive. As I drive down 529, I look at my phone GPS and it says to turn on a street called Shaunvee. So, the moment I see the street, I turn right onto it. Oddly, the street is pretty sketchy and a giant dirt road. I soon approach civilization but it's a more of a run down area. As I do twists and turns on the roads I decide to stop at a house to see if they know where the book store is. I pull up to their house and see a wooden board with part of a body on it with long pieces of thick meat sticking out and spaced evenly. I take one, thinking it's a Twizzler and take a bite out of it. I realize it's not a Twizzler. I continue on walking into the house and I see several couches and chairs of low quality. I notice a Hispanic man on a couch that watches me as I walk to the kitchen. A Hispanic woman greets me and asks me what I'm doing here. I kindly tell her and she tells me she has books to sell. She constantly asks me for the title of the book and for some reason, I never tell her. Her husband comes and I tell him I want him to take me home so I hop in his truck and we drive halfway and I tell him to turn around and go back to the book store. This happens three times. Suddenly I look at the clock when we return and it reads 9:27PM which is three hours after I left home. I then demand to leave their house but the mother will not let me go without giving her my e-mail for contact. I then get in my car and appear in a college dorm room. I walk through the room and go to the side with the suitemate's room. I notice there is a huge bed right next to the bathroom door that connects the rooms but I continue on. I open the door and inside the room is an old friend from high school. We talk and talk, as he tries to nap and for a split second he turns into someone else and then back to his original body. He secretly asks me if his suitemate is home because he gets very annoyed with him. I tell him no so he begins to rant about him. Unfortunately for both of us, he is home and is sleeping inside the bed by the door. This causes conflict and for some reason, the suitemate attacks me and we get into a fist fight. He starts to cry and goes back to his room. Later on I realize the entire dorm was watching our fight and I look outside the room and find a million boxes of M&M candies. The entire dorm is distracted by the M&Ms that they go crazy and don't pay for any of them. I close the door and notice a girl in the room with me. She tells me that she's sorry for the fight and she gives me a hug. She then leads me into a room that looks like a fashion show. She takes me to a shower that is in front of everyone. I decide to take a shower and luckily for me, there are curtains. I can see every glaring eye ball on the runway but they can not see me. The water in the shower keeps getting cold and turns off so I have to repeatedly turn it back on and every time I turn it back on, water drips on a couple that's sitting inside the shower with me. Once again, I could see them but they could not see me. At that moment, I woke up.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Why hello there Mr. Camel!

This is a pretty short dream that happened two nights ago that I forgot to post. Basically I walk into the hallway of my lake house and notice a guy trying to kill himself. I take the gun away from him and hide it in another room. When I come out of that room all I see is an arm and a foot of that person. I simply walked into the kitchen area and began washing dishes. As I stepped into the living room area, I noticed the body parts in the middle of the floor. When I picked my head up I saw that the front door was wide open and sitting on the welcome mat was a camel that was smacking its mouth back and forth while staring at me. The moment the camel and I made eye contact I woke up.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Spring cleaning

This is a quick dream. I dreamt that my family and I were going through our attic and we found several different things including a piano, toys, clothes etc. We brought the piano down because I love playing piano so I just had my fun on it. We found a toy that was a baby that came with clothes and a baby potty for potty training. Little did we know, the baby was real. It was giggling and drooling like nothing had happened. All we did was play with the baby and then set her right back into the box and put her back with all the other things in the attic. Later on, my brother's girlfriend came over and she had a bright blue bob cut hairstyle. She was pretty much like the main character in the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (I did not like that movie). That's basically all that happened until I woke up.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Odd World (long)

The dream started out with me and two other girls that I do not know. We were wrapped in soft blankets and walking up and down my street at three in the morning singing loudly. Eventually a policeman comes but there was no human in the car. The car talks to us. He tells us that we don't have to worry, that we aren't in trouble and then the car disappears. We look at each other and continue to sing. A wounded Husky dog comes out of my neighbor's fence and walks down the driveway and then right back inside. Moments later we all walk into my house very quietly, slowly, and gracefully. As soon as I turn the knob I see neon colored walls, several different rooms and paths to go down. Now the dream is through my eyes, so I never get to see what I look like in the dream. As I continue throughout the lit up house, I meet six other people but I do not actually know what they look like. I've come to realize that they're my roommates. Could this be The Real World? Something similar I suppose. As I venture throughout the house, I see different neon colored walls, and different activities in each room. In the neon pink room, I see a gym. But not a normal gym. There are harnesses and all sorts of acrobatic equipment inside. As I turn around to leave, I notice a man on a harness with an asian baby. I continue on to the bathroom which turns out to be completely white. The doors are as if the bathroom is in a closet. When I rip the doors open, I have to pass through clothes hanging up (Narnia?) and it appears to be a community bathroom with three showers and two toilets sitting in the middle of the room. I shower and then continue on to the next room. As I am walking to the neon yellow room, I walk down a curvy, narrow, neon green hallway. A black man appears and I chase him to the next room. This room is the biggest room yet. It's an arcade  themed room but with games I've never heard of; oddly shaped games I might add. The first game I come across is a light game. I must simply press where the lights appear before they disappear. I veer to the right and notice a game with a naked mole rat drawn on the side. As I look at the people playing the game, I see that the objective is to push a button that bounces the naked mole rat on a trampoline but you must push it until its hair falls out; that's how they become naked. I decide to leave the game room and go into the next room but as I exit the arcade, I wake up.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dream block?

I have not had a weird dream in a few days now. But don't get discouraged! Just keep looking back at my blog to see what kind of crazy things occur in my mind. And don't forget my other blog, Screaming Blue Crayon! I try to update everyday and I try to make the posts interesting. If I'm not keeping your interest, let me know so I can figure out how to! Toodles.

Monday, January 2, 2012


This dream is a bit old but It's a pretty odd one. I figured I would share. Now I'm not sure if any of you have seen what Snuffleupagus looks like, this strange character I believe is from Sesame Street. Click here if you'd like to view him/ Basically, my dream consisted of a character similar to Snuffleupagus, but it was extremely big, a dark red color, no fur, and had less of an elephant trunk. Keep in mind, I've never seen Snuffleupagus until I had a dream about a creature named Snuffleupagus so I had the urge to search it on Google. Anyway, my dream was my version of Snuffleupagus stomping and wobbling down a dirt road near my old lakehouse. It was as tall as the trees and as wide as the road. On his sides, musical horns appeared out of his skin and played music while he waddled down the street. All I saw was him walking down the road with a big smile on his face and then I was awake.