What Happens When I Sleep is a blog about the crazy dreams that occur in my head. I am not on drugs; these dreams are all real and I will only update when I remember an interesting dream or if I have an interesting post.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Once Upon a Time...(long)

I have the desire to go to a Half Price Books to get a book that I need for school. I hop in the car, and begin my drive. As I drive down 529, I look at my phone GPS and it says to turn on a street called Shaunvee. So, the moment I see the street, I turn right onto it. Oddly, the street is pretty sketchy and a giant dirt road. I soon approach civilization but it's a more of a run down area. As I do twists and turns on the roads I decide to stop at a house to see if they know where the book store is. I pull up to their house and see a wooden board with part of a body on it with long pieces of thick meat sticking out and spaced evenly. I take one, thinking it's a Twizzler and take a bite out of it. I realize it's not a Twizzler. I continue on walking into the house and I see several couches and chairs of low quality. I notice a Hispanic man on a couch that watches me as I walk to the kitchen. A Hispanic woman greets me and asks me what I'm doing here. I kindly tell her and she tells me she has books to sell. She constantly asks me for the title of the book and for some reason, I never tell her. Her husband comes and I tell him I want him to take me home so I hop in his truck and we drive halfway and I tell him to turn around and go back to the book store. This happens three times. Suddenly I look at the clock when we return and it reads 9:27PM which is three hours after I left home. I then demand to leave their house but the mother will not let me go without giving her my e-mail for contact. I then get in my car and appear in a college dorm room. I walk through the room and go to the side with the suitemate's room. I notice there is a huge bed right next to the bathroom door that connects the rooms but I continue on. I open the door and inside the room is an old friend from high school. We talk and talk, as he tries to nap and for a split second he turns into someone else and then back to his original body. He secretly asks me if his suitemate is home because he gets very annoyed with him. I tell him no so he begins to rant about him. Unfortunately for both of us, he is home and is sleeping inside the bed by the door. This causes conflict and for some reason, the suitemate attacks me and we get into a fist fight. He starts to cry and goes back to his room. Later on I realize the entire dorm was watching our fight and I look outside the room and find a million boxes of M&M candies. The entire dorm is distracted by the M&Ms that they go crazy and don't pay for any of them. I close the door and notice a girl in the room with me. She tells me that she's sorry for the fight and she gives me a hug. She then leads me into a room that looks like a fashion show. She takes me to a shower that is in front of everyone. I decide to take a shower and luckily for me, there are curtains. I can see every glaring eye ball on the runway but they can not see me. The water in the shower keeps getting cold and turns off so I have to repeatedly turn it back on and every time I turn it back on, water drips on a couple that's sitting inside the shower with me. Once again, I could see them but they could not see me. At that moment, I woke up.