What Happens When I Sleep is a blog about the crazy dreams that occur in my head. I am not on drugs; these dreams are all real and I will only update when I remember an interesting dream or if I have an interesting post.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dream block?

I have not had a weird dream in a few days now. But don't get discouraged! Just keep looking back at my blog to see what kind of crazy things occur in my mind. And don't forget my other blog, Screaming Blue Crayon! I try to update everyday and I try to make the posts interesting. If I'm not keeping your interest, let me know so I can figure out how to! Toodles.

Monday, January 2, 2012


This dream is a bit old but It's a pretty odd one. I figured I would share. Now I'm not sure if any of you have seen what Snuffleupagus looks like, this strange character I believe is from Sesame Street. Click here if you'd like to view him/her...it. Basically, my dream consisted of a character similar to Snuffleupagus, but it was extremely big, a dark red color, no fur, and had less of an elephant trunk. Keep in mind, I've never seen Snuffleupagus until I had a dream about a creature named Snuffleupagus so I had the urge to search it on Google. Anyway, my dream was my version of Snuffleupagus stomping and wobbling down a dirt road near my old lakehouse. It was as tall as the trees and as wide as the road. On his sides, musical horns appeared out of his skin and played music while he waddled down the street. All I saw was him walking down the road with a big smile on his face and then I was awake.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Blow Up Toy

Texas A&M recently had their Meineke Bowl game. The night before the game I had a dream that every football player on the team was in a kayak, kayaking in the middle of a lake. Behind the football players, the fans and audience members floated on pool toys while watching them kayak. While that was occurring, my father, my sister and I were swimming in the lake not too far away from the crowd. Suddenly, a crocodile head peeked out of the water and began to slowly creep its way over to my family and I. As paranoid as I am, I scream at my father in fear while I try to swim to the dock. Unfortunately for me, I could not swim and my feet would not move. Thinking quickly, my father swam to me and pulled me out of the water. A few feet away, my sister stands in the water, thinking that the crocodile is harmless. Once the crocodile approaches my sister, it reveals itself and out of the water comes a giant crocodile in the shape of a school bus and it turns out to be a blow up toy. In the end, my sister started to play fetch with the blow up crocodile school bus with a beach ball. At that moment, I woke up.