What Happens When I Sleep is a blog about the crazy dreams that occur in my head. I am not on drugs; these dreams are all real and I will only update when I remember an interesting dream or if I have an interesting post.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Blow Up Toy

Texas A&M recently had their Meineke Bowl game. The night before the game I had a dream that every football player on the team was in a kayak, kayaking in the middle of a lake. Behind the football players, the fans and audience members floated on pool toys while watching them kayak. While that was occurring, my father, my sister and I were swimming in the lake not too far away from the crowd. Suddenly, a crocodile head peeked out of the water and began to slowly creep its way over to my family and I. As paranoid as I am, I scream at my father in fear while I try to swim to the dock. Unfortunately for me, I could not swim and my feet would not move. Thinking quickly, my father swam to me and pulled me out of the water. A few feet away, my sister stands in the water, thinking that the crocodile is harmless. Once the crocodile approaches my sister, it reveals itself and out of the water comes a giant crocodile in the shape of a school bus and it turns out to be a blow up toy. In the end, my sister started to play fetch with the blow up crocodile school bus with a beach ball. At that moment, I woke up.


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