What Happens When I Sleep is a blog about the crazy dreams that occur in my head. I am not on drugs; these dreams are all real and I will only update when I remember an interesting dream or if I have an interesting post.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Spring cleaning

This is a quick dream. I dreamt that my family and I were going through our attic and we found several different things including a piano, toys, clothes etc. We brought the piano down because I love playing piano so I just had my fun on it. We found a toy that was a baby that came with clothes and a baby potty for potty training. Little did we know, the baby was real. It was giggling and drooling like nothing had happened. All we did was play with the baby and then set her right back into the box and put her back with all the other things in the attic. Later on, my brother's girlfriend came over and she had a bright blue bob cut hairstyle. She was pretty much like the main character in the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (I did not like that movie). That's basically all that happened until I woke up.


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